Tuesday, October 18, 2005

To the girl in line on Election Day last year

There you were, in all your 18-year-old-kinda-looked-like-dorky-Willow glory, standing in line with your mum. You told her you were, like, so excited to vote and voice your opinion. We were proud of you.

For a second.

Then your mum asked you if she should accompany you into the booth to "make sure" you pulled the right lever.

"Mom, I'll be OK. I'm just so excited to vote for Bush. You don't have to worry."

'Ol Man Snap stood stunned in silence. Still, he was convinced at the time that Kerry would win -- mainly because, well, he was smarter.

The guy could string together sentences without sounding like OMS's handicapped aunt who watches way too much CNN and still thinks Burt Reynolds is a hunk. Or his drunk, coked-out-of-his-mind uncle in 1988. Or a redneck with an arrogant smirk who always looked like he just got away with tagging his sister. Or all three combined, even.

What does all this mean? We're trying to stay positive after the century mark, people, but it's so, so hard. As a legend once crooned, "A hard rain's a-gonna fall means somethin's gonna happen."

Yeah. Like what, now?

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