Friday, October 14, 2005

And the boat sailed on and on and on and on and on and on.

Because one of you complained last week and we're especially jaded this morning. Can we please stop with the rain? Can we?

As promised three weeks ago, this is the only regular recurring hack bit on here. The Ol' Man somewhat not proudly at all really gives you this week's installment of, wait for it... Heroez and Not So Much with the Heroez. Enjoy. If you don't, I have headphones and H.R. Puff 'N Stuff awaiting for you.

Keira. Oh Keira how we love you.

Stewart called Hoffman one of the best ever on the Daily Show the other night. He's so right.

He should always on this list. Especially next Friday on the HBO, when his One Night Stand special airs. Three cheers for Li'l Jimmy and his fancy self.

Not so much...
We're still so, so steamed about this debacle.

Wait. I think I felt the li'l scientologist kick. I better focus. Man. You were so good in The Gift. What happened to you?

Americans suck.

Still the sport of (Vi)kings. Better than diamond rings.

Um. Yeah. Please stop procreating. Like, now.

Peggy Jo, we wish we could hang you by your upside down by your eyelids and force you to watch H.R. Puff'n Stuff for a year straight. While you're forced to watch, we also wish we could take big 1970s headphones, stick them on your ears and force you to listen to the theme song over and over and over and over again, thus ensuring that you seriously lose your sh*t, and develop a crush on Witchiepoo. You sick freak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, pal. You're the bestest.