Friday, October 14, 2005


Credit Greg Hughes and Anthony Cumia for discussing this this morning on the Ol' Man's program and first calling it to these old eyes which thought they'd seen it all, but, um, after this, not so much.

So boys and girls and students of journalism: when you file your stories, make sure they are ACCURATE, brief and clear. ABCs, boys and girls. ABEFFINGCs.

"But there had to be serious flooding in Wayne," you say. "It had to be awful for those poor residents who were on the verge of Katrina floods."

"It must have been really bad near the Passaic River, because the spokeswoman said 'it wasn't like (they) were trying to pass it off as something it wasn't," you say.

Raise your hands if you said this. Now punch yourselves in the face. OMS is off to bed now to rest up for the big day of a-(bar)hoppin', a-drinkin' and a-crawlin' tomorrow.

The rest of youse, youse be good. Keep punching, if necessary.

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