Friday, October 21, 2005

... Drunk by six, kissin' someone else's lips...

Lots happening in the world today, from more hurricanes to the White Sox and Astros in the World Series this weekend, to more hurricanes and the whole Rove and Miller debacles that we haven't even gotten into here to awesome reviews we keep hearing/reading about this.

So much is happening that we present Heroez and Not So Much with the Heroez this week knowing we're missing obvious things, these things, they are obvious, but whatever. Deal, says the Ol' Man. Just roll with it.

Fey rules. Always.

Don't like him. Conflicted with loving anyone, especially him, who sticks it to the haters, though.

Ballers scoring points.

Not so much with the Heroez...
Right, then. Suck it up.

Putting the ur-an-asshole in sec-ur-ity.

Lashuan. Remember last week's threat of Witchiepoo? Yeah, we're not even playing with this one. If we could punch you in the face repeatedly, joined by a million or so friends in a conga line of uppercuts, we so would. (Should you be found guilty, of course).

Say you're the guy who wrote this drivel. Please turn off your lava lamp and step away from your Mac and perpetual Ray of Light iTunes shuffle. We liked Like a Virgin and Holiday and even Bad Girl. But Mumsy, and anyone associated with her, please shut the f*ck up.


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