Monday, October 24, 2005

Can you imagine being told to move?

The Ol' Man went to a good high school back in the day. It was Quaker and free and prestine. Granted, OMS was fat and miserable most of the time, and prone to wearing a trenchcoat before it was a warning sign.

But this isn't about the Ol' Man and his eating everyone's leftovers at lunch.

No, this is about diversity and what his high school taught him. See, school was always in session for Martin Luther King Day. Students bitched each year because the public schools had off and we had to attend workshops.

But these workshops, about black culture and race relations in general, had a longer and more lasting impact than football practices and parties at Tory's.

They taught the Ol' Man tolerance, and a love of all things different from him.

So when he read about Mrs. Rosa Parks and her passing, the Ol' Man immediately thanked God for her and what she meant to a movement, one that, sadly, still has its battles to win.

This is the type of news story that hopefully creates a dialogue among all Americans, the rednecks included. What did Rosa Parks teach us? And why aren't we there yet?

A high school workshop would feel good right about now.

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