Monday, October 03, 2005

Baseball cards at the Five and Dime

So about this.

Old Man Snap grew up in this Mayberry. The DUI arrest occurred outside his Grandmom's house. There's a baseball field across the street where he and his slimmer friends used to play run the bases.

He crossed this street many a time to play basketball at Billy's house, and to go get the wiffle ball his Uncle Mark crushed over the maple tree. Newtown in 1985 was all about this, plus Survivor's "The Search is Over" and "High on You" being played over and over again on the ol' tape player.

Fast forward 20 years, and Uncle Mark is now outside throwing a baseball with cousin Zach when the police pull the car over. Mark takes Zach inside and the cops take the guy to the station, and then, to the hospital.

Small town. Small world. The kicker? Newtown, Pa. can be added to the list of one more town where people "never thought it could happen here."

It happens everywhere. Especially Mayberry.

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