Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dawson's Leak

There's not much to say, really.

We were in the local bagel shop bright and early this morning, stirring our large Hazelnut coffee and listening, passively, to the CNN anchors droning about bridge collapses and tropical storms and Supreme Court nominees -- you know, things that matter.

Maybe we hadn't sipped enough boiling hot coffee, or maybe we were still waking up, but we could swear all three CNN anchors riffed for a good five minutes about this. It's as if the real news bored them and they really wanted to get to the TOP STORY OF THE DAY.

One of them cracked a bomb about Scientology, the other wished them "nothing but the best," with a smirk.

We just wish Joey would have dumped Pacey and Dawson to pursue a solo karaoke career, one way or another.

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