Monday, October 10, 2005

Everybody wants some

We remember sitting in the living room at ol' Penn Street, sneaking 1984 out of the album cover and secretly wanting to be our Uncle John (and hoping he wouldn't be mad that we were playing his albums, especially Purple Rain, whenever no one was home). We'd play "Hot for Teacher" and, especially, "Drop Dead Legs," and we'd pretend we were rock stars.

We also remember learning all the words to "Just a Gigalo" because, let's face it, at one time, this man was a Rock God.

Now, we smirk when we see he's taking over for another so-called God who has become, in a word, irrelevant. Maybe when we all start believing the hype about ourselves, then we think we really are untouchable. When in fact, we get fired from our band before we even start the reunion tour.

Depressing, when you think about it. But man those burgers in Better Off Dead were cute.

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