Thursday, December 29, 2005

You make Bear sad. All ya'll.

See, Old Man Snap was trying to help out a friend, is all.

Like he said on Tuesday, he met Bear on Saturday, when his Nana was thoughtful enough to give him mad cash inside the cute li'l fella.

Bear quickly became the life of the party, with his witty banter and hack one-liners.

So Old Man Snap thought the same would happen here on the ol' Porch and the Parking Lot, mainly because the fives of readers he has tend to live on the darker, more cynical side of life.

But NOOOOOOOOOO. If ya'll want the Ol' Man to just b*tch about the woman on her cell on the bike next to the rower at the gym (Seriously? Enough with the planning for John's party and more with the peddling. Christ.), or keep posting sh*t like this, fine. But OMS warned you about Bear.

He's a person, too. And now he's sad and hibernating. Poor li'l guy. All he wanted was a place to come and play every once and awhile.


ACG said...

Bear's got money up his bum?
Well then, he can visit me anytime!

Anonymous said...

You have five readers? I thought it was four.