Thursday, December 08, 2005

We don't get it

We know that some of you are mourning the loss of Mr. Lennon on today, the 25th anniversary of his death.

But are we the only ones in the world who sometimes think that his place in history, and The Beatles, for that matter, is overblown?

Are we the only ones who think Imagine sounds like a fourth-grader wrote it? Are we the only ones who think Helter Skelter is an awful, awful song?

We don't have facts and figures on this, just a gut feeling. We mean, well, the music was good and yes, they helped usher in a change of the guard from your parents' and grandparents' music to modern day pop, etc.

But beyond that, much like world-changing Bono, aren't these guys just people who learned how to play music and went with it?

Would somebody explain all the ado, please?


Anonymous said...

Explanation: Babyboomers are self-obsessed, and they like to reminisce about the split moment in time when they actually followed music sometime in the 60s and 70s. And they can't appreciate a good jam, either.

ACG said...

But are we the only ones in the world who sometimes think that his place in history, and The Beatles, for that matter, is overblown?

Yes... only you (and the imaginary friends that constitutes "we").