Friday, December 23, 2005

Thought of the day, part 4

To back up just a bit...

All day long with the "Merry Christmas!" and the "Hey! There's donuts to eat!" and the "Hey! Can we leave early?" And then with the everyone dressed in red and wishing more Merry Christmases and the "Hey! Where's the present you got me?" and the "I BET YOU CAN'T WAIT FOR SUNDAY!!! CHRISTMAS IS THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!"

So we're walking in the staircase and yet another lady in red shouts "MERRY CHRISTMAS" at the top of her lungs as she whisks out the door to embrace her favorite Christian holiday.

"Don't any Jews work here?" we say, out loud, without hesitation, as we continue down the stairs for more water.

We thought it was hysterical.

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