Monday, December 12, 2005

To the drunk guy at the bar

You made eye contact with our lady friends, and you stumbled to the table all kinds of helladrunk. You then practiced drunken stand-up for a good 10 minutes.

You pontificated about your brother and how he bought shots and ran up a bill and deserted you and then you forgot the punchline and then you brought it back at the wrong time and stopped mid-flow to introduce yourself to us. Again.

"I'm (Old Man Snap)," we said. "We've met several times before."

No matter to you, drunk guy. You rekindled your love affair with your awful drivel and then retold the story from the other night about the shots and the bill and the brother leaving you high and dry without paying. Again.

You also blocked the big screen Giants-Eagles game with your big head. You are so *not* as cool as neighbor porn girl.

1 comment:

ACG said...

"I'm (Old Man Snap)," we said. "We've met several times before."

Make it sound like you travel with your own little Greek Chorus.