Sunday, December 04, 2005

System restored

We thank our friend Jim for suggesting the ol' laptop defragmentation. Such a fancy word for such an easy task. In searching for defragmentation (aren't we all, really?), we stumbled upon the ol' "restore system" icon.

Boy did it ever work wonders. It's as if the laptop *wasn't* spitting up blood for days. And here we thought we'd have to spend *hundreds* that we don't have right now to fix the laptop to do job searches we never, ever get to.

Until it'll be too late, of course. But that's another long-winded, run-on-sentence laden story for another day.

Now, then.

All of this defragmenting and restoring got us a-thinking. Wouldn't it be splendid if when we all felt a li'l down and out, sort of like Rocky in the first fight with Clubber Lang, or, well, Tommy Gunn now, we could just hit the ol' defragment button and everything would be A-OK?

Instead, some of us opt for easier things, and let's face it: it never gets easier.

Point is, when we restored the laptop, we brought it back to three weeks ago and gave it life again. Had we done the same for ourselves, we wouldn't be in the mood we're in right now. But then again, we really wouldn't be living, either.

As we were defragmenting, we kept thinking that if we could take ourselves back to August 1990, then maybe we would've seen it coming. And maybe we wouldn't have ended up in our mom's office, lights out and sobbing uncontrollably like no 15-year-old should ever have to, even if he's fat.

Being disowned will f*ck your sh*t up, no matter how old you are. The words "I never want to see you again" should never really be said, even if they're taken back years later. You can't undo the things you say. You just can't. Ever.

So why are we talking vaguely about something that happened so long ago that this was in? We were just thinking, is all. It ain't living if you hit a reset button every couple of months, or even years.

It ain't living if you go through the motions each day blaming everyone else for f*cking your sh*t up in the first place. At some point, less with the harping and more with the moving on. You just have to plow ahead.

You all knew that already, of course.

But OMS, while old and wise, is just starting to figure that out.


Anonymous said...

Friggin' genius, that Jim is. Just brilliant. And good looking.

Anonymous said...

Could be a mood like that was caused because there's some sort of wall.

Old Man Snap said...

That, or, as Men at Work used to say, "Jump down the shelters to get away. The boys are cocking up their guns."