Friday, December 16, 2005

Where's our gun?

We could update the previous post, or we could just vent.

To the guy in the car in front of us this morning: Turn your "Support the Troops" sticker right-side up. You were white suburbia-lookin' and you drove a nice car li'l non-gas-guzzlin' car. You screamed CONSERVATIVE BUSH BACKER. Wethinks there was no ill-will anti-troops statement here, just sheer stupidity on a whole 'nother level. Pay attention to the li'l things, mister, like putting a sticker on your car the right f*cking way.

To the entire office playing this right now. Man. So much for quietly doing things at work that you're not supposed to. Shouting "I just electrocuted him again!" is not conducive to a work environment, no sir. Neither is, "I just like to get him drunk quicker."

To Big Bird: Oof. At least you actually didn't do it. Still, why you gotta get all Kato up in this bizzatch? Today's lesson, boys and girls, is background checks.

To Dictator Shaaaaaaaaaady. Strike 3. We'd say yerrrrrrr out, but we tried doing that all democratic-like back in ought-four. Ya'll motherf*ckers who voted for him? Well, you get the point.

Whew. Much better.


ACG said...

To the entire office playing this right now. Man. So much for quietly doing things at work that you're not supposed to. Shouting "I just electrocuted him again!" is not conducive to a work environment, no sir. Neither is, "I just like to get him drunk quicker."

Says the man updating his blog... at work.

Old Man Snap said...

See? That was the joke. It was funny because... And who updates at work? We don't. Certainly not.

ACG said...

I forgot to add the little winking icon... acknowledging I knew it was a joke and was just being cheeky.

Old Man Snap said...

We know. You *love* cheeky.