Tuesday, November 22, 2005

You know we'll have a good time then.

"Dad," I have off until TUESDAY," said the pink-tied li'l boy at our favorite breakfast stop this morning.

"Wow," dad said. "Tuesday."

"Yeah. That means I have off tomorrow and Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Monday."

"That's nice," dad said.

At first, Ol' Man Snap was touched by the li'l exchange. Fathers and sons, whether having breakfast or throwing the old ball around the yard, need this type of bonding time. If not, they end up wallowing in a Harry Chapin song.

But then OMS turned around. It's hard to express just exactly what expression dad wore on his downtrodden, defeated face during this exchange. So we'll try to reenact the previous scene using visual and verbal aids for you, the dedicated P&PL reader.

First, picture a fabulously young David Fisher playing the role of the li'l boy. Now, picture the dude from The Shield playing dad.

Son: "Dad I have off until TUESDAY. LAAAAAAAA!"

Dad: "That's f*cking great kid. Eat your f*cking sandwhich and shut the f*ck up."

Son: "Yeah. That means I have off tomorrow and Thursday and Friday and Sat-"

Dad: "Kid. If you don't shut the f*ck up, I will go home and scream at your mother. For awhile. Probably an hour or so. Probably with something in my hand. Like a frying pan or the record with our wedding song. You talk a lot. It's her fault. It must be because I like silence. Especially during breakfast. All day, even. Shhhhh. Silence.

"And wear a navy blue tie next time. Christ."


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