Friday, November 18, 2005

The Ol' Man Snap Complex

Ah with the hidden messages this early in the morning.

A younger OMS, back in the oldern days of reporting and what not, once interviewed Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). It was the day of President Clinton's admission on a worldwide stage that yes, yes indeedy ohhhhweeeeeee, he DID have the sexual relations with that woman.

We respect this man very much, but we still get a li'l chuckle whenever we think back on the big interview. See, Mr. Specter was up for reelection and touring old folks homes in the middle of nowhere, Pa., and young Ol' Man Snap's question was pretty simple, really.

YOMS: Senator, if President Clinton lied to the American people, if he committed perjury, then will you move to impeach him?

Specter: I think it's too early to say. I'll see what the president says tonight, and I'll make my decision from there.

YOMS: OK, but we're talking hypotheticals here. The president is addressing the world tonight. If he says he lied, which means he committed perjury, will you vote to impeach him?

Specter: Like I said, it's too early to tell. But I'll tell you what. I'll be on Larry King Live tonight after the president's speech. Tune in and you'll see my answer.

Later that night...

King: Senator, should the President be impeached?

Specter: Well, Larry. It's too early to tell.

As is the case here on Fridays, time for Heroez and Not So Much with the Heroez here on the ol' Porch. Reflect, ya'll, like OMG LOL reflect.

Buffy can do no wrong. Despite the poor review. "His penis got diseases from a shoo-mosh tribe." Genius to this day, Mr. Whedon.

Still sad, we are, about this.

We know some of you are thinking, "Enough with the country." But still, it had a good week up there in that there big city there.

Not so much...
Drivel, this. Consult Bill Burr's One Night Stand appearance on the HBO for a better marriage statistic. "Is this the line where I go to lose half my sh*t?"

Whoever wrote this needs to be a li'l more positive and a li'l more clear. Jesus with the negativity, this one.

We're at 12 minutes and 48 seconds, maybe. Can we start making people famous for, you know, having actual talent and actually working hard?

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