Monday, November 21, 2005

Much to be thankful for

And seriously, he isn't one of them. Mongolia? Are you kidding us?

Now, the Old Man isn't one for knowing anything about the li'l intricacies of foreign policy - other than being treated like an ass while trouncing around Paris, drunk and American, once - but Mr. President, can you come back home and fix things here?


On a similar yet related topic, our favorite exchange from over the weekend came between CNN's Wolf Blitzer and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

As Mr. Blitzer read excerpts of a Time Magazine article on military personnel asking for more troops, Mr. Rumsfeld said something snippy, like, "You probably haven't even read the article."

Blitzer: "I have."

Rumsfeld: "OK, then..."

Just be quiet. Shhhhh, Mr. Rumsfeld. Shhhhhh.

As for the President, doesn't he have people to make sure doors are always open? Too bad the American public chose to keep the doors to the country open last year.

HAH! Get it? See, the President won the election and we said that the American people kept the door - aw forget it.

(Fantastic photo above by Jason Reed, Reuters).

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