Wednesday, November 09, 2005

FREE KISSES! (was: 0 Comments, again? S*ck it!)

Rather than jump up and down like a petulant 4-year-old demanding attention for the pure comic genius that is the ol' Porch and the Parking Lot, OMS offers the first person to name as much as possible about the following quote a nice big wet one or two, probably on the cheek since, you know, bird flu and all.

Nameless character 1: Am I right in thinking there is no body else in this house?

Nameless character 2: Ummm, no.

1: Then there is someone else in this house?

2: No, sorry. I said no meaning yes.

1: No meaning yes? Look I want a straight answer, is there someone else, or isn't there? Yes or no?

2: Ummm, no.

1: No there is, or no there isn't?

2: Yes.

Movie? Characters? Actors who played the characters? Anyone? Is this f*cking thing on?


Joelle said...


Joelle said...

Excellent. I'm coming to collect.

Old Man Snap said...

Yes. But we spoke to soon. We need more for there to be a real winner.

Anonymous said...

Clue (1985)

Tim Curry played Wadsworth,
Martin Mull played Col. Mustard.

Col. Mustard: Wadsworth, am I right in thinking there is no body else in this house?
Wadsworth: Ummm, no.
Col. Mustard: Then there is someone else in this house?
Wadsworth: No, sorry. I said no meaning yes.
Col. Mustard: No meaning yes? Look I want a straight answer, is there someone else, or isn't there? Yes or no?
Wadsworth: Ummm, no.
Col. Mustard: No there is, or no there isn't?
Wadsworth: Yes.
Col. Mustard: Well, there is still some confusion as to whether or not there is anybody else in this house.
Wadsworth: I told you there isn't!
Col. Mustard: There isn't any confusion, or there isn't anbody else?
Wadsworth: Either, or both!
Col. Mustard: Just give me a clear answer!
Wadsworth: Certainly! [clears his throat] What was the question?
Col. Mustard: Is there anybody else in the house!
All: NO!!!

Old Man Snap said...

Impressive. IMDBly impressive. ;-)

Anonymous said...

yeah, and keep your kisses to yourself.