Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Wait. I thought a snowball was when...

People are either dead or on their living room couches, still hoping to catch the season premiere of Joey.

Meanwhile, this f*cking dog is more than likely frolicking across the heartland by now, scared of rain and li'l boys who say, "AW WOOK AT DA CUTE PUPPY HE WOOKS WIKE A SNOWBALL."

My dog Tasha spent Hurricane Gloria knockin' da boots with Rusty, the neighborhood pimp/mutt.

I'm sure Snowball is just fine.

Now can we get back to the bodies and the missing and the people needing food and water and hope and a ticket to somewhere other than a disease-infested hellhole? (Photo by Robert Sullivan/AFP).


Joelle said...

Struggling reporter just starting out wants to know... Is this news?

"The boy cried out - "Snowball! Snowball!" - then vomited in distress."

Joelle said...

A fantastic response to the Snowball incident is on Slate right now.