Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Opus would *so* kick all of your asses

OK. This is f*cking ridiculous. We'd heard of this weeks ago. But come on. It's a film about penguins. Nothing more. Nothing less. We learned that men get kinda pissed off when they're hungry, but they'll also spit phlegm into thier babes' mouths to extend the life cycle a bit. We learned that cuddling = always good, especially when one can freeze one's balls off.

We learned that women tend to be a bit protective of their first born. And they can become crazy psychotic b*tches if they lose their first born. We learned that penguins are a little bit chicken sh*t when vultures visit and they won't fight back, punk b*tches that they are.

We learned that we certainly liked Morgan Freeman better in Glory. But back to the penguins. We learned they survive and they don't b*tch about how cold it is outside, even when their cute li'l feetsies gets the frostbeetsies.

Finally, we remembered why Berkeley Breathed was the man back in the day. Religious talk. Ack, we say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

loves it!!! LOL!!! :) :)) :))))