Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Because *that's* what it's all about

Awful headline verb aside, this is troubling on so, so many levels.

Reporting is all about ratings and making money. God we want to shoot ourselves in the face when we read that sentence over and over. Nevermind the telling people's stories to bookmark history or to educate people on what's going on in their town -- and the world.

Nevermind the built-in checks and balances of government and the need for reporters to practice their craft, every day, to perpetually nail the story and allow people the opportunity to think things out on their own and have the freedom to make a decision on who to vote for, or which cereal to buy at the store.

Most of all, the stories keep people educated. Education education education education education. *That's* what the media should practice. How to best educate within a fair and balanced story. It's a mantra, not a f*cking catchphrase.

This is all, like, wow, I mean like, man, so the ratings decade and it's, like, ruining stuff, OK? And we're all, like, sick of it and stuff, you know? It's like crazy.

It's a stretch. But keep underminding yourself, mediaespeciallyfoxandyourratings, and the whole world will talk like a character on the OC.

Can we wake up and not want to clothesline someone just once this week?

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