Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Turn the color down; it's too bloody."

So Old Man Snap once had an executive editor make an executive decision on a bloody buck photo in Central Pa. The story was on the first day of buck season, which is HUGE in them there parts.

The photo accompanied a story on butcher shops and how dey gets big bidness when people come in there with them bucks there.

Problem was, the buck was bloody. So Mr. Executive Editor, known for his shiny silver ties that matched his shiny slicked back hair and his shiny weatherman smile, made the call.

"See headline," he said.

OMS and the photographer argued in vain that the shot was what it was; that we should know our audience and that it wasn't a big deal. "People like blood," OMS said. "Haven't you watched ol' Stone Cold on Monday Night Raw?"

What does this have to do with anything, you ask, impatiently and rather rudely?

Show the bodies. Respectfully.

Tell the friggin' story.

And buck season starts Nov. 28 in Pa. Yipee we'll get dem Duke boys!

1 comment:

Joelle said...

Colorul story. Amusing, illustrative, well-structured. I'm not sure I made the leap with you to the relevant current topic, but nonetheless, I wholeheartedly agree on both points. That's why you need to be running the show. Every show. All the time.