Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sometimes, I wanna hear myself on the radio

So without the normal form of 100,000-mile-service-engine-light-on-for-the-last-8,000-horn-doesn't-work-either transportation for the day, it comes to one's attention once more how God-awful regular radio is.

I say this because of the ENDLESS commercials on the commercial radio, and the SENSELESS DJs on the commercial radio. I've been spoiled by Lucy, Fred, Earl Bailey and others. Not so much by Bob Kelly, though.

Thank you to XPN and Mr. Imus for at least making the commute a little more bearable today.

And thank you, XM Satellite Radio, for making the daily three hours in the car more gooder every other day.

OK, terrific.

HOO HOO. Tell 'em, Fred.

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