Wednesday, September 05, 2007

This is fantastic. We know this.

From the AP: The mayor of a Siberian oil town has ordered his bureaucrats to stop using expressions such as "I don't know" and "I can't." Or look for another job.

Alexander Kuzmin, the 33-year-old mayor of Megion, has banned these and 25 other phrases as a way to make his administration more efficient, his spokeswoman said Tuesday.

"It's a suggestion to the staff that they should think before saying something," Oksana Shestakova said by telephone. "To say `I don't know' is the same as admitting your helplessness."

Our boss says she doesn't know all the damn time. She also abruptly gets off the phone because she "has to go" all the damn time when we have questions about big, important, things. We've often wished she'd end up in Siberia, but we didn't realize she could actually get her learn on there.

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