Sunday, September 09, 2007

About the Eagles...

When we go to work, we wake up, eat, do bathroom stuff, shower, put on a suit, put the ol' pomade in our hair, walk to our car and drive to work. We do all these things because it's how we get to work. It's what we expect ourselves to do to get to work. When we get to work, we walk somewhat confidently up four flights of stairs to avoid people riding the painfully slow elevator, and when we get to our cubicle, we get to work. We type. We talk. We take pee breaks. But we work. Then we drive home, go for a run, try to eat a healthy dinner and then, sadly, wake up the next day and do the same routine all over again, only with a different suit.

It's the same with any profession, really.

Like lawyers who go to court and litigate and bill hours. Or nurses who check blood pressure. Or football players who catch a daggum punt or two kicked their way, especially with the daggum motherf*cking game on the line the first week of the daggum motherf*cking season.

Note to self: don't get your hopes up. Again.

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