Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Li'l Booking, Big Oopsie

Matt Roloff, pictured above, patriarch of Roloff family on the Li'l People, Big World on the TLC, and busted for DUI this week: Amy, I told you this before. People make mistakes and how can our children learn from ours if we don't make mistakes? It's like when I was building the House of Hubcaps in the back yard in 1989 --

Amy, wife of Matt, loving mother of four: And you realized you didn't have any hubcaps to build the house with? JACOB. Put that down.

Matt: Yes. I realized we didn't have any hubcaps so I stopped building. This is what my DUI arrest is. I realized I need to stop building Houses of Hubcaps in my own life and that our children can learn from that. When I was born a little per--

Amy: Oh, Christ. Again with the little person birth thing. Matt. I was born one, too, and you don't see me harping on it perpetual-- JACOB. I said no peanut butter before dinner!

Matt: If he wants to have peanut butter, he should have peanut butter. If I want a beer, then damnit, I should have a beer. If you want to climb the shelves at the supermarket like I know you do because I've seen it a thousand times on the opening montage, then you should do that and learn from your mistakes. These are the decisions I feel our children should be able to make, learn from, and make the world a better, place.

Amy: I so wish I could smack you upside your head, but these cameras make it really, really hard to whup up on you, Clubber Lang-style.

1 comment:

Old Man Snap said...


Memo to Mr. Roloff: You live on a huge farm and you have plenty of ground to cover. Try walking under the influence. Love the show, though.