Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This made us almost as mad as the check-out guy who *insists* on twirling our keys every time we hand them to him to use our discount card

Granted, the check-out guy did manage to put the chicken in the bag without spilling it out of the container like last time, and he did remember to keep the Comet and the Draino separate from everything else, but still, the twirling of the keys has to stop.


No more with the twirling of the keys. We'd had a long day, couldn't wait to get out of our suit, and we maybe had to pee. And there he is, twirling. And then smirking when we gave him the death glare.

Oh. That's Jenna Jameson above and to the left. We feel like maybe we should mail her the chicken. Girl, you unhealthylike.

Oh. And the Comet and the Draino? Wow. So *that's* what the bottom of the shower is asposed to look like.


Old Man Snap said...

"I AM NOT TALKIN' TO HER NO MORE!" yelled one of the secretaries, a second ago, at work.


Old Man Snap said...

Um. "I AM NOT TALKIN' TO HER NO MORE!" is what she yelled.

Help. Still.

Old Man Snap said...

Meanwhile, Kaci Updates!

1. "You should get a cat," mom said this morning. "OH HELL NO," we replied.

2. Oh Kaci with the stalking the shadows and pouncing on the sun rays.

3. And again with the feather stick thing and the up and the down and the back and the forth and the leaping and the swatting and the purring and the HEY! SUN RAYS BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SO I SHOULDN'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL THEM AND F*CK YEAH I'LL POUNCE ON 'EM!"