Sunday, August 12, 2007

Kind of where it all started

Speaking of not proud, we somewhat remember watching this back in the day and singing along. But it all paid off.

So we're playing the geetar on the ol' porch tonight, just strumming Hey Joe and totally soaking in what is a very pleasant evening.

A nice old lady limps by with her cane.

"I can hear you playing guitar," she says, stopping just beneath the porch.

"Oh," we say, not surprised because well, we were playing the guitar. "Is it too loud?"

"No," she says. "It sounds nice. Are you in a band?"

"Yeah," we say. "With (our) friend Dave. We play acoustic."

"Oh," she says. "That's nice."

And then she walked away without asking for our autograph. Not that we would have given it out or anything. In a heartbeat or, you know, not. We're just glad she didn't ask if we were ever on the Kids, Incorporated.

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