Friday, August 25, 2006

But the principal still got canned

So Joey is all this is ridiculous and the superintendent is all reinstate the rich white kid who vandalized Ms. Potter's unity painting, principal, or you're fired and Capeside is all YAY RICH WHITE PEOPLE and Joey is all this sucks I'm calling my college boyfriend and Pacey is all ow my heart and Mrs. Leary is all I need to do a balanced TV piece on this because the state of journalism in America is too opinionated with too much make-up.

And Joey is all let's rally but I don't know if I'm a leader and college boyfriend, Pacey, Dawson, Joey's sister, Jack, Jenn, the meter maid, the homeless bum and the lifeguard are all oh my God Joey you're the best leader ever and Joey's all hey you're right I am the best ever and the superintendent is all Ms. Potter is that all you got and Joey is all eat it and the principal is all I don't need to talk because my actions speak for themselves.

And then Joey is all time for the rally and the kids are all yay rally and Pacey is all I'm in love with Joey, Jenn, but she doesn't know that she'll end up marrying me in the finale and Dawson is all I'm the quiet hero because my mom said so and the principal is all my smoking hot daughter said I should come here and thank you, so thank you, Capeside High, for supporting me and the superintendent is all gets-a-steppin' you're fired and Pacey is all I rented a wall for you Joey so you can paint it and stop with the unity murals that started this whole mess in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for acknowledging that the principal's daughter is far and a way the hottest human being to grace capeside since Mrs. Leary was 19.