Friday, March 03, 2006

Tell (us) whyeeeeeeee...

So we begin the Friday fun with yet another reason to dig us some YouTube. We're right there with you, Yao Ming Twins.

On, then, to the Heroez and Not so much with the Heroez for the week that was.

And hey! Somebody turns 31 next week sometime! Somebody's pissed about their cover! Someone's still (mis)leading the country! And today we're gonna party like it's 1999 (with Creed and Kid and, hey, what's Durst up to these days?).

Oh the hilarity.

Two this week. Three tops. And they're about as legit as it gets.

First, A.J. Detwiler. Read this story. The kid is amazing. And he won, too.

And Pistol Pete over there. It's worth watching again and again and again.

And no link for this one, but watching an older lass do the Soduko while waiting for a meeting to start this week, well, it made us appreciate people who have patience and calm and peace and skillz. Thank you, older lass soduko lady.

Not so much...
He really is a horse's patoot, as the Ol' Man's ol' man would say. And the fact that Kid Rock is now in a bitch slap spat with Stapp (HAH! Say that sh*t three times fast!) makes it more gooder.

This MySpace thing is a tad out of control, no?

We figured out pretty quickly she wasn't. Wait. What?

No link for this either, but bagel stealer guy belongs on the list. So we're in our favorite breakfast joint yesterday and four people laughed, out loud, when the president came on the CNN. But we digress. Bagel stealer guy, who didn't laugh, wore a suit and a flag lapel pin and was neatly groomed. He also swooped in and neatly snagged our breakfast when he heard "with tomato." Turns out his everything bagel was a wheat oat bran, thanks to our order. You're welcome, assclown. Hope you enjoyed choking on it while listening to Limbaugh and longing for the ol' hazing frat goat Skulls days.

Speaking of... "Ah. This. Ah. This. This huge storm" is the best you got? Seriously? Someday, we'll write a well-thought out thesis on how the current president is slowly triggering the end of the world. We say slowly meaning by 2009. So we still have a good three years and enough time for a Spice Girls comeback.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Baby Spice is kickin'. GRRRRR.