Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The best kind of showers


We stepped into the shower this morning earlier than we thought. We like to call this the domino effect, when something of this magnitude happens. We woke up at 6:10, 50 minutes earlier than we had scheduled. We ate our Frosted Cheerios at 6:20, 45 minutes earlier than we had planned. See? Like dominoes.

So we had time for one of those good showers. You know, the ones where one can clean every nook and cranny (yeah, we just threw up in our mouths a li'l, too. Who says *cranny*?).

That sh*t was perfect hot, too. Not scalding. Not lukewarm. Awake-worthy hot.

It was too good to be true.

Two minutes in, the pleasant shower experience turned on us. A sneak attack, even. What did we do? Why was the water treating us this way? Our smile turned to scowl when the water turned to steam.

That sh*t was hot, yo. Like, so *not* perfect hot. More like really hot. Like holy sh*t burn victim hot. Our defense?

"Seriously?" we said. "Again with the hot and then the cold and then the hot?"

So yeah, our big defense, other than the aforementioned battle cry and maybe hopping out of the way and into the wall, was to turn the hot water down to a respectable level, i.e. lukewarm. This of course was followed by the ice cold balance the shower water came back at us with.

So we cranked the hot water again, and the water backed off. Compromise, reached. No need for more bloodshed.

Our shower thoroughly ruined, we turned the water off. We say bah to thee, evil shower water warrior. Bah to thee. You won the battle this time. But we will win the war.


ACG said...


Anonymous said...

I hear OMS's legs are fantastic, especially when bear. HAH! Get it? BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!