Sunday, March 12, 2006

Something about rest and maybe relaxation

OMS is a p*ssy. He called me today and asked me to post this. He didn't ask me to call him a p*ssy but I am because he is. He said he needs to take some mental time to recharge and relax.

I don't get him, really. He walks around all day calling himself "we," and true dat he's a funny motherf*cker, but really, who takes a week off of blogging, for Pete's sake?

I guess I'll bear with him. HAH! Bear with him. Get it? I'm a bear and I'm bearing with him! Huh.

Come to think of it, I think I can handle the work load here on the ol' porch for OMS. I can bring the funny, too. Just because I'm a bear and can maul you if you don't laugh doesn't mean I can't be funny.

I can bearly wait to find out if I can take over daily duties for the ol' bastard. Sweet deal. He doesn't even have to pay me much. Just bearly minimum wage.

HAH! Man I crack myself up.


ACG said...

hey slacker bear...
no new posts?

Anonymous said...

OMS muzzled me.

I allegedly bring it a little to hardcore for his sensitive ears.

Well, that, and I've been wasted on wadka all week with my old friend Eli from the circus.

He's a crazy motherf*cker, that Eli. I can bearly stand after a night on the town with him and his harum.