Thursday, March 09, 2006

Finding number 9

Not to get all preachy whiny overbearing narrative voice on ya'll, but this thing we like to call life really is a game of SuDoku.

We sat down this morning with the ol' puzzle book, still stumped from yesterday. And then we found a nine, and another nine, then a two and a three.

We used to hate puzzles. If it didn't come easy, we had no use. But the more we play this SuDoKu, the calmer we find ourselves, and the more willing we are to look at it from different angles at different times.

And then, voila, we have ourselves a finished puzzle.

Different angles. Different times. Keep picking it back up. Keep doing it until you get it right. Hmmmmm. There's got to be a lesson in there somewhere, but do we really have to spell it out?

(See, we were going to say, "Number it out," but then we realized we would've bombed so bad it would've taken 'til Sunday to recover).

So there's that.

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