Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The tomato doesn't go *there*

It's becoming an alarming morning ritual. We remembered the water for the coffee today, so there's that. But we also opted for some last minute tomato chopping for our Cosi (you love the Cosi, admit it) sandwich.

So we diced up our tomatoes all nicey nice and put them on the ol' sandy sandwich. Then we wrapped up the tomato and opened the cupboard to put it back where the saran wrap goes.

Thankfully, we stopped there. It's not like it took us another nine seconds to figure out that the saran wrap doesn't go in the fridge with the Coffeemate, and wait, why is the tomato in the cupboard?

So today, technically, is off to a better start.

Wish we could say the same thing for the rest of the world, really. Ever get the sense that impending doom is upon us?

February has traditionally been the month where someone we knows dies, whether it's a family member or friend. Granted, this has happened only twice, really, but it's still a sense we get. And it's not a Meredith-has-her-hand-on-a-bomb sense.

It's more, well, have you noticed the dramatic weather changes and the fact that Bush is still president and there's, like, bombs and stuff everywhere?

Throw in the fact that we're slowly losing our minds (see: water, coffee and tomato, cupboard), and we can't *wait* until the very special month of March, but more on that later.

Live for today, ya'll. Live for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY! I got yer tomata right *heeere*.