Tuesday, February 14, 2006


So today is so the Hallmark Holiday, but you knew that.

So let's take a test, shall we? Which is a more accurate portrayal of the holiday? This, or, uh, this?

That's what we thought.

So we can't wait for several things today, including: counting the number of people who'll wear red at work, avoiding the chocolate all up in everyone's business at work, and counting how many times someone yells, "Happy Valentine's Day!" the way she normally yells, "HAPPY MOOONNNNNNDAAAAAYYYY!" at work. Every. Frigging. Monday.

We also can't wait until we figure out why we woke up from our nap yesterday all kinds of out of sorts, like what-day-is-it-out-of-sorts. Like, we thought we were dead out of sorts. But more on that some other day.


Anonymous said...

I had a great VD once. Wait. What? (And for the record, I know that's a hack bit tired old gag. But sheesh with the no comments these days. Sheesh, I say. It's unbearable, really. HAH! Get it? Because I'm a bear and...).

Joelle said...

So I shot the IQD party in San Francisco on Saturday night, spoke to Sasha Cagen for a while, and scoped out what people who are "single and loving it" are really like in person.

My impression? It was a singles party. Most people seemed to be looking for someone. It was a very warm and friendly singles party, and I spoke to a bunch of great people, but I got the feeling that all the quirkyalones would be just as happy in relationships.

There goes that great idea.

ACG said...

where does the "happy monday" woman live? i need to give her a beat down.

Anonymous said...

OMG thaty matt guy is soooooooooooooo dreeeeammme.