Friday, February 10, 2006

Just one this week

An upfront warning: if all this sounds like hokey sh*t geared toward motivating ourselves, you're right.

But there are people in this world struggling through pain and the horrible hand they've been dealt, yet they are brave and strong and examples to the rest of us.

Matt Cappotelli is one of those people.

Matt was part of a hot angle in Ohio Valley Wrestling, as "insiders" say. He was the Heavyweight Champ and in a hot feud with Johnny Jeter. But the chairshot he took landed him in the hospital with what should have been a concussion.

But it wasn't. It was a brain tumor, which was later diagnosed as cancerous, that kept him out of the ring and in the hospital. He told the OVW fans this week, in the middle of the ring, when he handed over his championship.

The reason we're talking about this in a space normally reserved for the weekly look back at the Heroez and Not So Much with the Heroez, is we only have one hero this week, and his name is Matt Cappotelli.

No bullsh*t. The heartfelt speech he gave in the center of the ring in Ohio reduced us to tears yesterday.

Here is a young man living his dream, literally, and now he's faced with something you don't think about, ever, when you're in your 20s, hell, *maybe* 30s, and just trying to live without running out of gas too soon. This man stood in front of hundreds of people and prayed with them, and said he has faith that he'll be OK.

It was an amazing thing to see. He'll have brain surgery and chemo and he's immersed in faith. We don't know how we'd be, other than pissed. He's probably pissed, yeah, but when you watch him and listen, there's much more there. So much more.

So Matt taught us something, and we are one of the most cynical, jaded people on this planet. Matt taught us that maybe believing in something, anything, gives you that extra fight, that extra spark, to keep on moving toward what you want out of life.

It's real easy to come home from work, angry and tearing up your Subway six-inch Vegi-Max and livid that you feel stuck. Every day stuck.

But there are people out there who have it a lot worse than you, yet they are living better than you because they believe in themselves and that li'l something else that will keep them going, no matter what. Most of you knew this already.

Today, we recognize those people. Tomorrow, we'll get back to bitching, creatively and for God's sake, *hysterically*, about the other things that drive us f*cking crazy day in and day out.

But today, thanks Matt. Our prayers are with you -- and the people out there who need the prayers a whole helluva lot more than we do.

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