Monday, February 06, 2006

Making coffee

We hopped out of bed and into the kitchen. We dumped the grains into the maker and turned it on. We stared. We listened to crackling and popping and we wondered, "Where's the coffee? Where is it? We want it so."

We looked like a parent watching his newborn, or a dog owner waiting for the li'l fella to sit. Yes, we were excited.

The coffee didn't sit, though. Nor did it giggle while looking at a dinosaur book with its mommy. The coffee simply didn't come. Why? You tell us.

A) Because the Seahawks lost in the Super Bowl.
B) Because we ate nacho dip for dinner last night.
C) Because the Stones didn't play the good song.
D) Because one needs water to make his coffee, and it behooves one to, you know, fill the actual pitcher so as to make the coffee in the first place.

Yup. D. Never fear, though. Things can only get better from here.

1 comment:

ACG said...

I made coffee this AM at work.. but the filter in, added the coffee, but it into the machine, turned it on, and then went about my other morning duties.
Too bad I forgot to put the POT under the drip in the machine.
Let's hope things can only get better.