Saturday, February 25, 2006

And about as much hilarity ensued as one would think would if one would find such things funny

Toward the end of the day Friday, we realized that even if we don't leave our job soon, at least we'll be entertained. For the most part. Every once in awhile. But man when that entertainment hits, we put on our laughing caps, that's fer sure.

To wit:

LADY NO ONE LIKE, WHOSE CUBICLE WE STOLE TWO YEARS AGO WHEN WE MOVED OFFICES: Oh you must be getting soooo excited talking about those spreadsheets. I get all tingly just thinking about them!

LADY WHO DIDN'T GET IT: Not really, no. But I wish I got the same feeling you did.

(Enter new lady).

LADY NO ONE LIKE, WHOSE CUBICLE WE STOLE TWO YEARS AGO WHEN WE MOVED OFFICES: (Says to New Lady) I'm watching them have fun with the SPREADSHEET!!! I was saying she gets a tingle in her body like I do just looking at them!


(Remember kids, when you think you're funny, tell the joke as much as possible, over and over again in the course of two minutes, until someone laughs. Even if it's uncomfortable laughter because no one likes you, joke away! And make sure you use exclamation points to prove your point!).


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