Thursday, October 11, 2007

One of the better random punchlines we've heard in quite some time, really.

So we left work in a very pissy mood.

We pulled up to the first light, which is almost always red. We expect this. But this time it was green. We came around the corner and thought about flooring it because it quickly turned yellow, not even remotely orange, and then red.

On the corner was a rather large fella with a bucket. Our windows were down, and we were listening to Kathleen Edwards, but that's beside the point.

"'Cuse me, sir, but does you have any money you can spare for us?" the man asked. "It's for our Christ church."

We looked at each of the four corners where others has gathered with buckets. So we gave him $2 while asking questions.

"Where is the church?" we asked.

"Newark," he said.

"Newark? Kind of far from here, right? What are y'all doin' down here?"

"Are you a teacher?" he asked.

"Sort of," we replied, puzzled as to why he didn't answer our questions.

"Can I haves yo tie?" he asked.

"Sorry, man. This is (our) favorite tie. And whoa, (we) just gave you money for the church."

"You right," he said. "You has a blessed day."

1 comment:

Matt Katz said...

Dude, you don't give a man an ear of corn, you give him corn seed and a ho. You should have given him your tie instead -- would have been a much greater return on your investment.