Monday, October 01, 2007

Meanwhile, back in the inner innerness of our inner core, inside our inner head of innernity.

Making up words is cool.

Someone tell us why, oh, why, we woke up with the freaking Dancing Queens in our head?

The only -- ONLY -- correlation we see is yesterday, after watching the Phillies win the NL East (Again with the Phillies? Yes. Check yourself, son, we've been not believing since the Carter home run and we listened to some idiot in pigtails with *huge* glasses and face paint say, "We're goh-in' back next year!" while we sat, slumped in the hallway of our dorm, Meister Brau hidden in our pocket, 14 years ago, knowing that Gregg freaking Jeffries wouldn't be the answer).


So the only correlation is when we left the supermarket, as we like to call it, we somehow ended up with 101.5 on our FM dial and we kind of cranked Frankie Valli's Theme from Grease" (which we just typed as Greece, but thankfully, we caught it).

But the Dancing Queens?

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