Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hey! OMS! What were you for the Halloweens?

Excellent question!

We were a former fat kid hellbent on rediscovering his 28-year-old figure without a beer gut but we still got lapped going up the big hill by a li'l skinny f*ck in a climacontrol shirt even with the Ludacris bumpin'!

1 comment:

Old Man Snap said...

And now back to things we do after the Halloweens run!

1. Strut across the street when the light turns green, Nature Boy Ric Flair style, during the walk/cool down.

2. Kick sweet dance moves while listening to Pac and pouring water.

3. Sing "(We're) so skinnylike," outloud, while getting more water.

4. Change into dry clothes and make a grilled cheese with *huge* tomato slices.

5. While making it, sing "(We're) so fat," over and over again.

6. Say, "Yay! The Wire makes (us) happy!" several times while waiting for the episide to start.