Saturday, January 06, 2007

Calling out Kelly Taylor: You, miss, were the definition of a *drama queen*. Sheesh.

From the Wikipedia. You'd think after the second travesty she would've moved to Pittsburgh or some sh*t:

Kelly Taylor: Brenda and Donna's best friend; Romantically linked to Steve, Brandon, Colin, Dylan, and later Matt and at the final show again: Dylan; Mother suffered from cocaine and alcohol abuse; Became David's stepsister; Had cocaine and pill problems; Was shot in a robbery at LAX and subsequently got amnesia; Was raped in an alley when attempting to locate Dylan; Was brainwashed and ended up joining a cult under the direction of a rogue university professor; Was severely burned during a fire that broke out at a house party filled with lesbians; Became pregnant, but had a miscarriage because of a condition with her body, Was on show for its entire 10-year run.

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