Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We waited long enough

HEY! Here's why Bill Burr quickly moved up our list of Top 10 present-day heroes!

And a memo to Philly fans, of which we're one: enough with the non-stop whoa-is-youse booing. Try some positivity for a change. It works wonders in these here parts. Seriously. Breathe deeply and all the angst is forgotten. Just. Breathe. Deeply.

Turn the volume down if you're at work and those around you don't like to hear the f*cking C word followed by f*ck f*cking Rocky sucks f*ck f*cking f*ck f*ck.

For the record, Mr. Burr performed at the Opie and Anthony Traveling Virus Tour in Camden this past Saturday. The drunks on the lawn were a tad orn'ry. Hilarity ensued.

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