Monday, September 04, 2006

And then Jack cried

So Dawson is all pick me, choose me, love me and Joey is all I. Just. Don't. Know. And Pacey is like what bitches I love her and boy can I brood with the best of 'em and Jenn is all Henry no sex no sex no sex how dare you leave for eight weeks of football camp when I planned our whole summer without telling you and now you're telling me at the fake prom Dawson set up to impress Joey no sex no sex no sex and Henry is all, um, ah, duh, um, ah.

So Joey is all Pacey wanna dance and Pacey is all I'm sniffing your hair and touching your smooth porceline Potter skin and Dawson is all GRRRR ANGRY DAWSON WANT BREAK STUFF and Andy is all huh, guess Pacey's still in love with Joey and Joey is all uh-oh poor me I just can't make decisions for the life of me.

So Pacey is all I'm going sailing, it takes me away to where I've always heard it could be, just a dream and the wind to carry me and soon I will be free and Andy is all k bye and Joey is all here's your mom's diamond earrings, Dawson, and oh, by the way, I can't chose and Dawson is all man I have huge eyebrows and OK Joey, I'll wait for you.

And Jack at the train station with his boyfriend and the boyfriend with the you have to kiss me first it's not like this is a TV show and Jack is frozen and the boyfriend is all peace out I'm sure there's an after-school special I can audition for.

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