Wednesday, April 19, 2006

In the truck with another man (AKA Best overheard conversation in the work kitchen ever)

Lady 1 at lunch table: You know I was watchin' the Sopranos last night, right? 'Member Vito the construction guy?

Lady 2: Who?

Lady 1: Vito. The construction guy. I 'member watchin' last year when he at this construction site and he in the truck with another man.

Lady 2: Another what?

Lady 1: Man. He in there doin' his thang with him. You know, he (demonstrates, quietly, what appears to be the motions one would use if one were to demonstrate what, exactly, Vito was doing in the car with the other man).

Lady 2: For real? On the TV?

Lady 1: Mmmmmhmmmm. Then I saw last night he in da club in the city dancing around and he got his studs on.



Anonymous said...

That's fucking hilarious. I request that OMPPPL document all the ways the extended Soprano clan used the word "gay" in Italian on Sunday's episode.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. Why would a man lean over into another man's lap in a pickup truck?