Monday, April 02, 2007

Runnin' on Empty

So OMS went for an old man run tonight after the commute home. Nothing like Survivor, Fall Out Boy and Kylie Minogue (Kylie Minogue? WTF?) to keep one's skinny chicken legs moving.

And hey! The iPod not enough? Still need a motivator? Try whispering, "Come on fatty," every time you feel like quitting. And then do lots of crunches and eat broccoli. And stretch. A lot. Because oof with the calf pain.

Why the new workout plan? Huh. Something about being the only fat ogre in a polaraid picture taken Saturday night along side nothing but beautiful, skinny, glowing people.

So there's, um, that.

1 comment:

ACG said...

boys need meat on their bones.

does that sound dirty to you?