Tuesday, April 03, 2007

For the record, and so not bragging

But if OMS could find his bracket, he'd have proof. He did have Florida beating Ohio State in the finals, 85-75. So, well, yay him even if he was a point off.

What? What, now? "You picked the top two teams in the nation to make the finals and you're bragging about *that*?" you ask?

Headline, beeyatch. Read the ever-lovin' headline.


ACG said...

why did you take me off your blogroll? do you hate me?

Old Man Snap said...

ACG - You'll be back on now that you're back live.

Re: Monday's post about the jogging and the jiggling, the sore legs are vanishing now -- three days later.

Old Man Snap is Must Stretch Better.

ACG said...

I was only gone for about a week :-P

Matt Katz said...

What the hell is a blog roll? How can I get one?

Old Man Snap said...

It's the shout-outs on the right.

You bat lead off, like your boy Reyes. But not for long because, well, because your powers that be suck.

I read the other columnists today. Boy. They're really hitting that one-foot-in-the-grave demographic hard. Long live newspapers and retaining young readers!

ACG said...

Only cool guys like OMS get blog rolls.