Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Restoring faith in humanity

Don't get OMS started on the Virginia Tech madness. All he knows is it gets harder and harder still to think this'll all end up well.

But then he stops at the ol' grocery store on the way home, and his faith is somewhat restored. See, looks like someone had them some fun while defacing the chalkboard in front of the store.

"Fresh Cocked Salmon: $4.99," the sign read.


Meanwhile, inside the store...

Girl: Which should we get? The double-stuff Oreos or the soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies?
OMS: (Under breath) Come on. Obviously chewy chocolate chip cookies.
Guy: Double-stuff Oreos.
Girl: Really? I thought you liked the other.
Guy: If I liked the other, I would've said the other.
OMS: (Under breath) Told ya to get the chewy goodness.
Girl: Seriously? You really want the Oreos?
Guy: Fine. Just get whatever you want.

Um, do these conversations *ever* go any differently? Seriously. Like, ever? No? Didn't think so.

1 comment:

ACG said...

you'd really pick chewy chocolate chip over double-stuff oreos?