Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So Vince McMahon is presumed dead, according to the wwe.com.

Consider the source.

Good thing for us, we turned off the Raw, which we only watch cursory-like on Mondays while, say, doing laundry, cleaning, doing dishes, restringing the geetar, etc., before the major "tragedy."



Old Man Snap said...

We should have linked to this this morning as we racked our brain for something even remotely interesting to blog about before we were even remotely awake.


Heroin is the devil's candy. Seriously. We hate the heroin. Very much so. Don't do it, kids. It never, ever ends well.

Old Man Snap said...

And now back to things we heard, again, that we shouldn't have while sitting at work, minding our own business...

"Oh. I'd eat that off of him -- if you know what I'm saying."