Monday, June 18, 2007

And then the wicker chair broke

YAY! Running again! No lightning nor thunder! Der Kommissar! Old school Rod Stewart! A little Miranda Lambert to kick your ass! And then with the sweating profusely through your grey old school Charles Barkley "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth... But They Won't Get the Ball" T-shirt! And the stretching and the water and the more stretching and the showering and the whew finally no more sweat you might as well play geetar on the porch and then with the sitting down and, well, sh*t.

Keep running, though! Maybe tomorrow not so much with the breaking chairs and more with the salad and sitting lightly on things!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to have that Charles Barkley t-shirt. Wish I could find another one.